Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Ivy's first time in a shopping cart

Today we put Ivy in a shopping cart for the first time. I know normally things like this aren't really a big deal - but to a baby who has been exposed to nothing, this is a big deal! I wasn't sure what she would think, especially with this being during naptime.


She was totally cool with it!

In fact, she giggled the first few minutes in.

And was perfect the whole shopping trip no nap and all!

But she did tell me not to buy her any veggies :/
(We're working on that....)

1 comment:

  1. She is such a little doll. What a sweetie! :)

    Welcome Home! My name is Rachel Whitmire and I'm the Post-Adoption Care Coordinator for Reece's Rainbow. I wanted to leave you a note and let you know I'm available if you guys need anything. Sometimes adjustments can be hard and it helps to have someone who's "been there" to talk to. Please don't hesitate to contact me if I can help in any way. Also, make sure you connect to the After the Rainbow yahoo group. There are so many great families on there and it's a great source for support and advice. Shoot me an email if you don't know how to access it.

    Rachel Whitmire
    Post-Adoption Care Coordinator
    Reece's Rainbow Down Syndrome Adoption Ministry
